
THIRTY PERCENT. We put it in capital letters, it's less polite but allows you to emphasize the enormity of the number.

It's the average loss than our e-merchant customers have noticed in terms of monitoring visitors to their sites.

30%, that's poorly, whether you manage a small online store or a digital juggernaut - but in the latter case, the effects have disastrous consequences on the management of the acquisition:

  • It is impossible to know if the budget you allocated to X or Y lever is really working or has turned into a financial abyss;
  • Impossible to calmly verify that the figures announced by Facebook Ads (to name only one) are those that you count on the sales side...

In other words: losing visibility on 1/3 of your visitors, beyond ego metrics, is above all losing control of the ROI of its paid, organic and well-known campaigns...

Loss of e-commerce tracking and impressive discrepancies between Facebook and your sales: what happened?

If you are in charge of the acquisition for an e-commerce site, this is not a spoiler.

iOS14 and the new restrictions imposed by the CNIL have completely disrupted the way you track your visitors/customers and measure the real impact of your campaigns on your sales.

Traffic Managers and Acquisition Managers in PLS

1st hard blow: iOS14.

We all felt the tide was changing, but the change was abrupt: Apple users now have to give their consent for each site, each application, and this in an explicit way. In concrete terms, a huge part of the traffic using this iOS is no longer measured and monitored as easily as before.

On the side of the CNIL, April 2021 also has Marked a turning point :”The Internet user must consent to the deposit of trackers by a clear positive act, such as clicking “I agree” in a cookie banner. His silence, which may involve the simple continuation of navigation, must henceforth be interpreted as a refusal. : no tracker that is not essential to the functioning of the service can then be placed on his device.

And a small clarification for those who would like to encourage Internet users to accept cookies by substituting “refuse” for “configure” or by making access to the refusal more difficult: this is not an option that complies with RGPD requirements: this is not an option that complies with RGPD requirements:

“The CNIL also considered that the integration of a “Reject all” button on the same level and in the same format as the “Accept all” button makes it possible to offer a clear and simple choice for the Internet user. It is also possible, for example, to explicitly offer the Internet user the possibility of refuse trackers by closing the cookie banner. On the other hand, the mere presence of a “Configure” button in addition to the “Accept All” button tends, in practice, to deter refusal and therefore does not make it possible to comply with the requirements set out by the RGPD.

So much for the state of affairs. So how do you react - and is it even legally possible?

The action plan to find all the tracking of visitors to your website

Is tracking 100% of its visitors again while respecting the law, now impossible?

Well no: you just have to opt for another approach (and that's where we come in, stay focused on what's next).

What is preventing you from tracking all your visitors today is their lack of consent to cookies.

At Alphalyr, we have therefore developed a specific technology so that you do not have to place cookies.

Here's how it works:

When an Internet user arrives on a site (any), the browser sends 2 pieces of information to the server so that the server can save and function:

  • The User agent
  • THEIP address

Our Marketing Studio solution Get these 2 pieces of information as well as the customer ID on the tool and above all process these 2 data for anonymize. Moreover, you probably already know: any IP processing must be accompanied by this operation, as required by the CNIL.

Alphalyr therefore processes the user agent and the IP, anonymizes them and creates a unique Marketing Studio ID for the customer.

In itself therefore:

You get a Full tracking that makes it possible not to deposit cookies : no concept of cookie integration, tracking by Fingerprint or by Hash... and “RGPD-friendly” protection since there is no possibility of reconciling data (which is precisely what the CNIL does not want).

Why? Because the Marketing Studio ID, in fact, is only the Marketing Studio ID. So we cannot send it to just anyone and allow them to establish a reconciliation.

Who is this type of tracking solution for?

Above all to e-commerce sites that carry out transactions on their site (in the case of a showcase site with no online purchase action, this will be less relevant... you might as well take other tools that are more aimed at replacing Google Analytics).

Alphalyr and its Marketing Studio are coming complete acquisition data, track 100% of traffic and analyze the performance of each channel (affiliation, influence, paid, etc.).

It is therefore a fundamental tool to be able to really analyze the trends and sales of the e-commerce site.

And what happens if we remain in this situation of drastic loss of part of visitor monitoring?

Very concretely, if you don't change your approach, you will see many, many fewer transactions on your Analytics account than the number indicated by Facebook. You will have to constantly extrapolate and say goodbye to precise tracking “from the world before” (the other). The reports are going to be uncorrelated with what you measure - that's probably already the case. As for monitoring behavior on site... we have already given you the figures.

Get the tracking of your site: book your demo in a few clicks

Alphalyr solves this major challenge with its Marketing Studio solution.

Click here to make a 15-minute appointment with one of our experts, we explain EVERYTHING to you (and in addition we are nice).

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