Managing markdown rates in a region is already complicated... so what about brands present in several countries?

If this is your case, you already know that managing an Excel by country often pushes you to replicate the rates between your different neighboring countries, without taking into account the characteristics of each territory.

That being said, we understand that this is the default mode of operation: it is still simpler and faster to have similar rates in nearby countries... unless you have a tool that makes it possible to overcome these limits!

These Common Problems You Know (All Too) Well

... Fighting with 10-15 Excel (without necessarily winning the battle anyway) - and again we are on the low end, hello brands with 40 Excel in Europe!

... Anticipate store restocking according to the allocation of warehouse stocks and priority territories

... Coordinate the series of markdowns, because even if it is often the same timing between different countries, the calendar is not always the same! Pre-sales, markdown 1, etc.

... Have only a small number of stores in some countries

Does all this mean anything to you?

That's what we said to each other!

So what to do?

Revenue Studio, the tool that takes tutti The parameters of the countries taken into account to obtain the best rate, at the best time

With Revenue Studio In fact, we offer the possibility of optimizing all the markdowns in different territories:

  • by automatically integrating Market differences (although the rate may be common);
  • in creating scenarios to visualize how to reach the optimal rate to meet margin and flow objectives;
  • taking into account inventory distribution and sales potential from each country;
  • by uniting territories by zones , with a “leader” country for each of them (in the classical way: Southern Europe, Northern Europe, Benelux, UK, Switzerland/Germany...)

Concretely, the tool makes a dynamic allocation of stock according to the turnover weight of each product, in each country.

Then Revenue Studio “does its magic” by calculating the best rates for each product, each markdown period, each territory.

The differentiating points for your management:

We summarize what the tool brings you like no other can do:

  • Taking into account all areas on the same platform, with the possibility of grouping them;
  • Optimization according to sales potential in each country and inventory allocation rules
  • Taking into account differences in timetables and sometimes even differences in markdowns in each territory. Example of mapping: a pre-sale rate in France could be the equivalent of markdown 1 in Denmark. Likewise, Ireland and Great Britain will not necessarily have the same rhythm 👇👇👇

In all cases, the tool blends the differences and identifies the optimal rates that take into account sales potentials in the broad sense, as well as the demand and time to sell the products.

How does this impact scenarios (-ii for purists 😉)

—> You get the landing, markdown structure, etc. and what that means for each country.


The key: big time savings and optimal rates in multi-countries, the kind of gift that won't end on Leboncoin.

Shall we show you?

Book your demo here to see the tool in action:

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