Discover the testimony of Christophe Coeyman, Traffic Manager at, and how Marketing Studio by Alphalyr changed the way it managed its acquisition!

  • Chaussexpo in a few words

Chaussexpo is a historic family business specializing in the sale of shoes and accessories at the right quality/price ratio in city and suburban stores (with more than 170 stores at the moment) .The website ( and the brand's e-commerce business has grown significantly since their launch a few years ago, both in terms of turnover and the digital team that drives them.

  • The context: affiliate fraud and acquisition channels that are not easy to read

Chaussexpo uses several acquisition channels: affiliation, Google Ads, newsletter... By chance, before setting up a tool that allows us to trace the entire customer journey, we realized that publishers in the affiliate network cheated regularly (cookie dropping, etc.) .This is not the only challenge we had to take up: Walled Gardens claim brilliant performances that are not always up to what is announced, analysis of the last click only led to guesses and tests. To overcome these problems, we decided to look for a good attribution tool.

  • Why did you choose Marketing Studio by Alphalyr?

There are several solutions on the market, but Marketing Studio is the best quality/price ratio and one of the most serious players with whom we spoke. No lines of options that stack up to a stratospheric budget level as we have seen elsewhere... Chaussexpo manages its budget precisely and therefore needed a solid tool that would not make the entire budget disappear. I must also say that The contact also played a lot and we had a good “feeling”, especially with Marie-Lou (our co-founder editor's note)! You are a very responsive team and that allowed us to put things in place very quickly. Exchanges are smooth and we can talk to Alphalyr people live : this makes it possible to solve possible problems without going through endless tickets sent to someone who does not necessarily understand what is going on.

  • What results did Chaussexpo obtain with the establishment of Marketing Studio?

Marketing Studio's anti-fraud system is a big advantage. Our main gain came from theanalysis of the initiating levers.Sometimes, we tell ourselves that we are investing in the last click, but it is not by investing in promo code sites that we make sales... We could see that some customers went up to 5 clicks on codes, but that the sale was initiated on Google Ads!

“If I had stuck to a 100% last-click vision on Google Analytics, I would have put the bulk of my budget into the affiliate network when Google is sending me new customers” 

What we did was we plugged Marketing Studio directly into the affiliate. This allowed us to challenge the situation and to look for things that really initiate sales. This opens up opportunities for those who do something other than last click. We can now measure the impact of levers at different levels of the tunnel, save money on some and reallocate the budget to the initiators who play their role well.Since the implementation of Marketing Studio by Alphalyr, when we look at the customer journey, we observe patterns that are reproduced. This allows us to reinforce this and to promote a more directed path towards this contribution pattern.

“We saw that the newsletter had a lot of omnichannel power, something we didn't realize with sales. Marketing Studio gave us a lot of information on the omnichannel nature of this lever.”

Another example: Chaussexpo invests in Google Performance Max campaigns with an objective based on store visits. If you don't have the ability to measure, it's complicated... again, Marketing Studio helps us see more clearly.

  • What features do you like the most?

The fact that Marketing Studio is available in two versions. Marketing Studio 360 gives us a very quick vision of things. This makes it possible to quickly identify whether things are going well or not. The tool's classic interface allows us to go into the details of each transaction. These two dimensions allow different profiles within teams to find the information and the degree of precision that suits them.

  • How did Marketing Studio help optimize your marketing investments and ROI?

For us, it was on the affiliate side that there was the most margin for optimizing costs. The end of the tunnel implies asking ourselves the question of the percentage of remuneration. Before cutting the ads, you have to look at the course in detail and it's not that easy! Marketing Studio allows us to do this and to decipher the miracle figures claimed by the platforms. The tool came at the right time for us with the arrival of Google Performance Max: we are on strategies where we try to promote the acquisition of new customers, but as it is a Blackbox complete, it is not necessarily easy. We finally manage to see if the customers who arrive from PMax are new or old customers and if they come back several times. 

“For everything that is irritating in Google Ads, Marketing Studio gives us explanations”

  • Would you recommend Marketing Studio to other e-commerce businesses?

Yes, because when you reach a certain maturity and move to a higher level, you must ask yourself key questions about the relevance of each lever, otherwise the costs become exponential.Unless you have an infinite amount to spend, you quickly reach very expensive levers and serious business challenges arise after the first test phases.You must therefore use a tool capable of extracting the relevance of each lever in order to Know where to invest, and that's what Marketing Studio does.

  • Do you want to add something about the Chaussexpo x Alphalyr experience?

What I appreciate about you is of course the tool, but also the fact that it moves a lot, that you listen to your customers and current trends. The tool does not remain static and adapts to everything that comes on the market, which is therefore very interesting.

Are you looking for a reliable attribution tool to manage your acquisition? Talk to a Marketing Studio expert


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