You are most certainly using a CMP (Consent Management Platform) to manage the cookie consent of visitors to your website.

There are free CMPs and paid CMPs (or basic free with paid options). In all cases, their objective is to allow site editors to obtain the consent of users in order to perform or not perform a certain number of functionalities.

Axeptio, Lemon tart, Sirdata... you are spoilt for choice.

The problem is that we have recently realized that not all CMPs are equal... and that our customers often notice this too late.

Today, using a CMP is mainly aimed at being able To record consents. In the event of an inspection by the CNIL, the latter will check whether the publisher of the site is in possession of the history. Without CMP, with a “from scratch” approach, you simply don't have that history (“slight” problem, right?).

On paper, therefore, everything is fine, especially since CMPs also allow the automatic scanning of cookies to classify them. Note that you often have to go over time to check that everything is in the right place: sometimes cookies are not connected correctly.

Feedback: sometimes our Marketing Studio module does not receive the data because the exemption solution had connected it to a tool other than ours.

Regardless of the solution, it always requires regular checking.

This is a point to take into account when evaluating the relevance of X or Y CMP for your site (free? Freemium? paid? for which package?). Many solutions do not include support, except emails to a support service. However, an account manager is often necessary.

And on the budget side?

Some CMPs charge according to the number of domains Or of number of unique visitors.

ex One Trust: by ndd

Didomi: traffic

As for the tools available for free (Axeptio, Lemon Tart...), the banner rarely allows you to personalize content, location, image... this can be a problem for the brand (brand), but also for conversion. The aim is to increase the consent rate by personalizing as much as possible!

Sirdata stands out for its particular model: the CMP is made available free of charge, but in return your audience can be resold/retargeted on other sites.

What about the statistics?

The nerve of war to optimize your conversion! Again, the limits are often strong or the numbers are biased. Why?

For example, you will have access to a graph that gives you the consent rate, but these figures tend to make this rate cumulative.

Ex: day 1, X people do not consent

day 2: Y people do not consent

The numbers add up and after a given period, a real gap widens. You risk getting people who buy on D+4 even though the refusal took place on the 1st day.

This has a direct impact on advertisers: “I don't understand, I have 30% non-consent and 50% of cases between GA and my back office

Yes, there is a problem somewhere.

In reality, in this case you have a rate Average of 20% of people at Instant T who may not have purchased or will buy later. It is not reliable to compare transactions over a month and a consent rate at instant T.

We come back to the problem of data gap between BO and GA.

What to remember from all of this:

  1. At this stage, CMPs are mainly used to be in good standing with the CNIL.
  2. as an acquisition manager, it is important to be able to assess the ability to be able to ask questions to someone on the CMP side, to find the right information on the platform, to understand what the numbers impact and not stick to”I have 80% consent
  3. design personalization can have a profound impact on the conversion rate (consent)
  4. consent analyses are necessary to identify the portion of traffic lost and to make the necessary decisions... provided you opt for studies lasting 6 months rather than 1 month 

The good news is that we now have 1 year of history, which makes things much more reliable than at the very beginning.

We also advise you not to necessarily take a free platform. For example, opt for Didomi or OneTrust.

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