Are your acquisition and conversion costs increasing, despite your efforts? Unfortunately, this is in the air of the times... unless you diversify your campaigns by going to test e-commerce levers that are still affordable (Pinterest Ads or TikTok, not to mention them...).

What can you expect for this new year that is beginning, and especially what strong trends can you inspire to boost your campaigns?

We're taking stock!

The main web marketing trends for 2024

  • Artificial intelligence + personalization = ❤️ (€)

Certainly, 2023 has already seen the use of AI increase in power (sometimes with a lot of nonsense, but that's another subject). In a more subtle way, artificial intelligence continues to be used to offer in-depth personalization of the user experience and hyper-personalized shopping recommendations. You've probably already seen it at work on Amazon for yourself, but the web giant is far from being the only one using it.

AI-based optimization solutions are useful both in terms of increasing the average basket (personalized recommendations based on the buying habits of customers and prospects) and to generate ever more impacting advertising campaigns!

One important thing to note, before moving on to the next point: regardless of the tool used (general tool like ChatGPT or Bard, integrated on the Google Ads side, or specialized like Beautiful, etc.), you need to maintain data flawless to perform.

  • Immersive and interactive content

Depending on your e-commerce sector, immersive formats and augmented reality are gaining more and more ground. While not everyone can be IKEA (yes, yes, you have necessarily seen or tested the visualization of furniture in your space...), other options that are more “light” and ideal for increasing your conversion rate exist. We think in particular of solutions for putting products into 3D perspective, usually in the form of photo galleries.

  • A focus on sustainable development and social responsibility

Sustainability as a marketing argument AND an increase in the average basket? Yes. While the best-known brands in the field such as Patagonia already know how to make good use of recycled materials and highlight their commitment to their advertising and acquisition campaigns, many other retail players are already doing well in this field.

Of course, we think of ready-to-wear and cosmetic brands, but they are not the only ones: jewelry made from recycled materials, “second life” departments promoted online and in stores...

The commitment to sustainable development also involves ethics and social responsibility, which are regularly promoted in communication operations and branding.

As a reminder, sustainable products grew by +5.6% annually in 2023 (source: Nielsen), and Accenture estimates that Internet users and store customers are ready to pay up to 20% more for products with proven sustainability.

  • Think vocal and multisearch

No surprise: the customer journey on the web continues to grow longer and more complex.

New additional key element to take into account when optimizing your visibility on the Internet (until now relatively immature): the transition from a search by words/in a Google search field or other to voice searches via assistant in the home or on the smartphone, as well as explorations Multisearch, i.e. using images and text simultaneously (Google Lens in particular).

In this regard, Google recommendsUpdate your Google business card so that Google Assistant can link to the most appropriate result in response to a voice query and (...) to also add accurate product data and high-quality images to Merchant Center to help the AI behind visual search identify and present your products.”

It is in this same spirit that develops the SGE (Search Generative Experience), which uses AI to generate content in real time according to the user's request.

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