If you are in charge of acquiring traffic for a large website, let's be honest: the creative and strategic part is certainly much more appealing than all the topics related to data security.


We are in 2024 and it is simply impossible not to be (really) proactive on the subject.

That would be wild.

And it would cost you very expensive.

So technical, but don't panic!

We've put together a list of 11 questions to ask yourself to get started on the subject:

  1. Côté waiters : are you well hosted in Europe? CNIL, Privacy Shield... we are not rewriting the story you know by heart, but things are clear!

Important clarification: this applies not only to your website, but also to the data and servers of SaaS solutions that you use. For example, the data centers of Marketing Studio by Alphalyr are well in Europe.

Ensuring the security of the data that passes between your website, your systems, and the providers you work with involves:'As an advertiser, you are the only one capable of enforcing these safety rules. For example, you can check that your third party partners and subcontractors cannot use your data to do anything else.

In summary: servers in Europe, a chain of partners and solutions under control and... Be in control of your own data.

  1. For your attribution, did you choose a tool exempt from consent and declared RGPD-compliant by the CNIL

This is what we have chosen to do for Marketing Studio, in order to ensure a high level of protection of personal data while being able to finely analyze the prospect and customer journey.

  1. Do your tools and partners have monitoring systems to monitor the infrastructure?
  1. Can you easily get that your Is data purged regularly on demand?
  1. Can your data be you returned in the form of usable files, in the event of the end of the contract for example, but also during your partnership?
  1. Is data sensitive Encrypted at rest and In transit ? This is what Alphalyr ensures for the data of each of its customers.
  1. Do you have a solution of DDoS protection, in order to make sure that an attack does not bring down your server? We put it in place to avoid service interruptions.
  1. Does your provider do SSO ? This saves you from having to contain additional logins and passwords. You can also rely on the your company security/authentication system to connect to SaaS.
  1. How often do you back up? Is your service provider able to restore a backup in the event of a failure? What is their policy on this issue?
  1. Les Are the equipment redundant to avoid any interruptions? In human terms:)”If one server gives up, does another take over?
  1. Are the partners and subcontractors who process part of your data subscribed to real-time flows of security breaches?

In conclusion, ensuring the security of your data is imperative for a successful digital strategy.

By focusing, among other things, on hosting in Europe, a selection of RGPD-compliant partners and the regular monitoring of your data transit points, you can effectively protect your digital assets.

Talk to an attribution expert and ask any questions you may have about data security

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